Designed for success: How your visual approach can drive your business forward

In today’s digital landscape, everyone’s competing for attention, which means your visual strategy has to be a game-changer. Visual design isn’t just about aesthetics—it’s about making your business stand out. Let’s explore why a strong visual approach can propel your business forward and share some tips for creating impactful designs.

The Power of Visual Strategy

Did you know that visuals are processed 60,000 times faster than text? Indeed, our brains are wired to prefer images. In fact, 90% of the information we absorb is visual. Having a visual identity is essential to making a lasting impression on your customer base. 

Visual strategy goes beyond mere appearance. It’s about creating a unified visual language that communicates your brand’s values and message effectively. A cohesive visual strategy ensures your brand’s identity remains consistent across all platforms, fostering recognition and trust with your audience. When your audience encounters your brand across different touchpoints, whether on social media, your website, or physical marketing materials, they should experience a consistent visual message that reinforces your brand identity.

Consistency is Key

Think of your favorite B2B brands. They likely have one thing in common: consistency. Consistent visuals make your brand appear more professional and trustworthy, which can lead to increased customer loyalty and, ultimately, sales. Take HubSpot, for example. HubSpot’s consistent use of their signature orange and clean design elements makes their brand instantly recognizable. 

Consistency in design encompasses several elements: 
  • Colors: Brands should choose their colors carefully, making sure they match the goals and mood of the brand. Most brands have a palette of 2-5 colors that is used for both internal and external branding.

  • Typography: This is more than just a font. It’s the combination typeface, size, and spacing of said font(s) used to make the brand recognizable. The most important factor for typography is readability. 

  • Imagery: The brand’s imagery is going to be a combination of the colors, typography, and logo to create a story around brands and products.

  • Layout: How you balance the layout of your brand can directly translate into how well your brand is understood by your audience. Make sure to balance visuals, text, and white space for the best impact. 

Each of these elements should be carefully chosen to reflect your brand’s personality and values. Once established, these elements should be used consistently across all marketing materials to create a cohesive brand image.

Emotional Connection

Visuals have the power to evoke emotions, and emotions drive decisions. By using visuals that resonate with your target audience, you can create a stronger emotional attachment. For instance, Salesforce uses customer success stories and engaging visuals to communicate their values and the impact of their solutions. This connection can lead to higher engagement and conversion rates.


Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.

– Steve Jobs


Emotional connections are powerful motivators. They influence how people feel about your brand and, consequently, their purchasing decisions. When your visuals evoke positive emotions, your audience is more likely to engage with your content, remember your brand, and become loyal customers.

Storytelling Through Design

Every brand has a story, and visual design is a powerful storytelling tool. Through images, graphics, and videos, you can convey your brand’s history, values, and mission. Zendesk’s use of customer-centric visuals and narratives, for example, tells a story of support and innovation. This storytelling approach humanizes your brand and makes it more relatable.

Visual storytelling involves creating a narrative that resonates with your audience. It’s about more than just showcasing your products or services; it’s about conveying your brand’s journey, values, and mission in a way that engages and inspires your audience.

For example, Mailchimp often uses a quirky, playful chimpanzee logo and inserts bright yellow into its black and white palette  to make email marketing, something many business owners struggle with, seem less intimidating. This sets them apart and makes their communication memorable.

Tips for Creating Impactful Designs

Know Your Audience: Understand who you are communicating with. Research their preferences, behaviors, and challenges. This will help you create visuals that resonate with them and meet their needs.

Creating designs that resonate with your audience starts with understanding who they are. Conduct market research to gather insights into their demographics, preferences, and behaviors. This information will help you create visuals that speak directly to their needs and interests.

For example, if your target audience consists of decision-makers in the tech industry, you might choose a modern, sleek design aesthetic that appeals to their sense of style and ambition. On the other hand, if your audience is primarily small business owners, you might use warm, inviting colors and friendly imagery that convey a sense of comfort and trust.

Simplify Your Message: Keep your designs clean and focused. Convey a clear, concise message without overwhelming your audience with too much information.

Less is often more in design. A cluttered design can confuse your audience and dilute your message. Focus on delivering a clear, concise message by using simple, clean designs.

Consider the use of white space to create an uncluttered look. White space, or negative space, is the empty area around design elements that helps to highlight and separate content. It can make your designs look more organized and easier to navigate, enhancing the overall user experience.

Use High-Quality Images: High-quality images make your brand look professional. Invest in custom photography or illustrations to create a unique and polished look.

High-quality images are essential for creating a professional brand image. Low-quality or stock images can make your brand look unprofessional and generic. Invest in custom photography or illustrations that reflect your brand’s personality and values.

Custom visuals not only make your brand look polished and professional but also help you stand out from the competition. They can be tailored to your brand’s specific needs and aesthetic, creating a unique and memorable visual identity that’s exclusive to your business.

Supporting Graphic: A comparison of low-quality vs. high-quality images in design, showing the impact on brand perception.

Incorporate Your Brand Elements: Ensure your visual designs include your brand’s colors, fonts, and logo. This reinforces your brand identity and ensures consistency across all platforms.

Your brand elements are the building blocks of your visual identity. Incorporate your brand’s colors, fonts, and logo consistently across all designs to reinforce your brand identity even for internal business use.

Using these elements consistently helps to create a cohesive and recognizable brand image. It ensures that your audience can easily identify your brand, whether they are looking at your website, social media, or print materials. It also helps make your employees feel more attached to the brand by having symbols or colors to bond them together.

Focus on Visual Hierarchy: Arrange design elements in order of importance. Use size, color, and placement to guide your audience’s attention to the most important parts of your design.

Visual hierarchy helps to guide your audience’s attention to the most important parts of your design. Use size, color, and placement to create a visual flow that directs the viewer’s eye to key elements. Use larger, bolder text for headings to make them stand out. Use color to highlight important information or calls to action.

Test and Iterate: Design is an iterative process. Test your visuals with your audience, gather feedback, and make improvements to refine your visual strategy.

Design is an ongoing process of testing and refining. Test your visuals with your audience to see what works and what doesn’t. Gather feedback and use it to make improvements.

Testing can involve A/B testing different design elements to see which one performs better. It can also involve gathering feedback through surveys or focus groups. Use this feedback to make data-driven decisions and refine your visual strategy over time.


A strong visual strategy is key to your business’ success. By creating consistent, emotionally engaging, and story-driven visuals, you can capture your audience’s attention, build trust, and drive conversions. Remember to keep your designs simple, use high-quality images, and always incorporate your brand elements. With these tips, you will be well on your way to creating impactful designs that elevate your business.